Wednesday, December 15, 2010

sleep welllook beautiful

there are three things are essential for the healthy body,mind are- sleep,diet and chastity.sleep  is very essential for recovery of the energy.when body exhausted by daily routine works,after intake of diets and our five senses are touch,taste,smell.hear and vision by these functions our energy wasted and their subjects of functions diminishes so the sleep is required.according to  HOWELL blood supply diminished  to brain and excessive blood supply to other  organs  of the  body leads to sleep. after in take of food or meals or diet excessive  blood supply to alimentary system increases and blood supply to brain leads to sleep.according to PAVLOV SLEEP IS THE CONDITIONAL INHIBITION OF BODY.IN THE BODY THERE ARE SEVERAL REFLEX ACTION OCCURS IN THE BODY .Sound sleep leads sound health,proper nutrition,strength vital power increases, and life span increases.sleep time must be regular.sound sleep gives beauty,blossom.