Tuesday, January 25, 2011


article is very informative. writer is also aware of INDIAN CULTURE.in our country one proverb  is  very popular JAISA KHAOGE ANNA VAISA HOGA MAN, JAISA PIYOGE PANI VAISI HOGI VANI.(as you eat it effects on your mind and as you drink water as you speak or your speech ) in ancient science and religion also described that AHHARS ( FOODS, DIETS ) ARE  THREE TYPES == SATWIK, RAJSIK,TAMSIK. and there are three pillars of body - AHAAR, SWPAN, BRAHMACHARYA ( DIETS, DREAMS AND CELIBACY) now the point is what to eat, how to eat,when to eat, how much you eat, where to eat. these are simple questions but very meaning ful. diet must be healthy, balanced, economical, seasonal, fruitful and easily digestible. now one more type of diets are --- SHAKAHARI(VEGETARIAN) MANSAHARI( NON- VEGETARIAN) now the meaning of AHHAR---- AROGYA VARDHAK, AND SHANTI KARKA, SHAKAHAAR --- MEANS SHANTI KARKA, AROGYA VARDHAK. from chemistry points of view all sorts of the diets contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals. but from spiritual points of view there are vast differences in vegetarians and non vegetarians diets,at present you people are advocating the uses of EGGS, FISHES AND OTHER NON VEGETARIANS PRODUCTS as a supplementary diets which are more dangerous for the health building. EAT MORE EGGS AND INVITE THE DISEASES OF HEARTS, AS NON VEGES are more harmful and the sources of many in- curable  disease like cancers, kidney ,heart, skin, and mental diseases. non veges are more criminal in spite of vegetarians. if you visit any jail  and survey there you will find out of 100 criminal , 80% are non vegetarians, addicted by liquors,drugs, ganja, bhang tobacco.so diets have major roles to invite many diseases as well as the are the medicines for many diseases. vegetarian diets have many many varieties in the form of foods,sweets.  since birth we are, as well as tigers, loins are dependent on the mother."s milk, they are since birth non-veges, and also who so ever are  non-veges after some time in the middle of ages engulfed by chronic diseases become veges because the only diet remains lives savings VEGETARIANS.now the western countries are also advocating and accepting the vegetarian diets. it is also cheap, easily available and acceptable by all. non vegetarians  are not worthy in looking  so always kept in cover where as vegetarians vegetables,fruits are beautiful and pleasant to see want to touch

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